International Symposium "Dance-Diversity-Inclusion" at the TU Dortmund University from 27.-29.10.2017
- wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen

From 27-29 October 2017, the Department of Music and Movement in Rehabilitation and Disability Education, together with the Society for Dance Research gtf, hosted the conference "Dance-Diversity-Inclusion" at TU Dortmund University. In numerous lectures and lecture demonstrations, scientific and artistic researchers presented their research projects on the topic of dance, diversity and inclusion. In dance workshops, participants were able to get to know and practically experience very different artistic and pedagogical approaches to inclusive dance work. The conference proceedings of the same name, published by Susanne Quinten and Christiana Rosenberg in the series TanzForschung (edited by the Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung) at transcript Verlag, are available online in open access. Here is the link to download the conference proceedings.
Further information can be found under the following link: