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Fakultät Rehabilitationswissenschaften

Cooperations of the department

The German Society for Dance Therapy was founded in 1980 to develop high criteria of professional competence, education and training in the field of dance therapy as well as ethical practice. To this end, it offers in-service training, education and further training in a modular system.

Further information can be found on the Homepage of the German Society for Dance Therapy.


KuMuLiArt, music and literature in the Klinikum Dortmund

As part of the cooperation, students volunteer to create leisure activities with instruments and melodies, with brushes and paints or with books and stories, offering children and young people variety during their stay at the hospital.

For more information, see at the Homepage of the Klinikum Dortmund.


TransiMus ­– Transition and Music

Cooperation with the Dortmund Music School as part of the "MusikLeben 2" project of the Association of German Music Schools, which is funded by the BMBF in the area of "Kultur macht stark". Children are offered a sense of security when moving from kindergarten to school through recurring musical group lessons. In the last year of kindergarten and the first year of school, students work together with a music school teacher as caregivers in a life situation marked by upheaval.

For more information, see at the Homepage of the Music school.


Un-Label brings together cultural practitioners with and without disabilities from all over Europe. Un-Label creates contemporary stage plays, inspires and connects science and research.

For more information, please visit the Homepage of Un-Label e.V.